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Query as RSS feeds

Reports in Feeds - The new way to access reports in peoplesoft.

As of PeopleTools 8.50, all PSQuery objects can be defined as the source of an RSS feed. This will allow users to define a feed from a particular set of PeopleSoft data. Once a feed is defined, the user can simply subscribe to the feed and gain access to the data through a standard feed reader – something like Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird or their browser.

Queries are probably the best mechanism for users, departments or entire organizations to create standard definitions of reusable PeopleSoft data. Combining this capability with the PeopleTools RSS Feed architecture enables our customers to provide their users access to system data without requiring them to actually login to the system directly.

Access to query data always requires user-level validation, so even when being read in a Feed Reader, customers know that their critical data is secure.

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