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Archiving IB messages and SO's

A beginner who just started working with the Integration Broker will be deleting the errored message one by one selecting the checkbox next to it.

Is there an easy way to do this operation with the delivered feature? Yes there is!

The PeopleSoft system provides a collection of Data Mover scripts that you can run to purge the runtime Service Operations Monitor tables within a database. These scripts reside in the PS_HOME\scripts directory on your file server.

Deletes queue data from every archive or live runtime Service Operations Monitor table in the database, regardless of status. Typically, you run this script after an upgrade or while switching from a demonstration to a production environment.

Deletes queue data from every archive runtime Service Operations Monitor table in the database.

Deletes queue data from every live runtime Service Operations Monitor table in the database.

Apart from this we have APPMSGARCH to archive service operation data is the batch approach. You can also archive individual service operations online using the Archive option on the Asynchronous Services-Monitor Overview page and the Synchronous Services page.

Navigation: PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Service Operation Monitor > Monitoring > Archive Monitor Data

Below are the list of tables that are affected by APPMSGARCH process. I got this information from Oracle Support, so much time can be saved from turning on a trace.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, would you know how long the archived messages are stored in the archive tables? do the tables get truncated after some time? if yes, who is responsible for truncating the archived messages?

    Thank you
