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Monday, September 21, 2009

Using Array in PeopleSoft

The following example creates an array of array of string, then reads two files, one into each "column" of the array.

The CreateArrayRept function call creates an empty array of string (that is, the Len property is 0) but with two dimensions (that is, with two subarrays, Dimension is 2). The first Push method adds elements into the first subarray, so at the end of that WHILE loop in the example, &BOTH has Len larger than 0. The other Push methods add elements to the second subarray.

Local array of array of string &BOTH;
Local File &MYFILE;
Local string &HOLDER;
/* Create empty &BOTH array */
&BOTH = CreateArrayRept(CreateArrayRept("", 0), 0);
/* Read first file into first column */
&MYFILE = GetFile("names.txt", "R");
While &MYFILE.ReadLine(&HOLDER);
/* read second file into second column */
&MYFILE = GetFile("numbers.txt", "R");
&LINENO = 1;
While &MYFILE.ReadLine(&HOLDER);
If &LINENO > &BOTH.Len Then
/* more number lines than names, use a null name */
&BOTH.Push(CreateArray("", &HOLDER));
/* if more names than numbers, add null numbers */
for &LINENO = &LINENO to &BOTH.Len

The following code reads from a two-dimensional array and writes the data from the each subarray into a separate file.

Local File &MYFILE1, &MYFILE2;
Local string &STRING1, &STRING2;
Local array of array of string &BOTH;
/* code to load data into array would be here */
/* open files to be written to */
&MYFILE1 = GetFile("names.txt", "A");
&MYFILE2 = GetFile("numbers.txt", "A");
/* loop through array and write to files */
For &I = 1 To &BOTH.Len
&J = 1;
&STRING1 = &BOTH[&I][&J];
&J = &J + 1;
&STRING2 = &BOTH[&I][&J];

The following example populates a multi-dimensional string array using SQL. This could be used for reading small tables. Component array of array of string &ArrRunStatus;

&ArrRunStatus = CreateArrayRept(CreateArrayRept("", 0), 0);
&ArrRunStatusDescr = CreateArrayRept("", 0);
&LineNo = 1;
While &SQL.Fetch(&FieldValue, &XlatShortName)
&LineNo = &LineNo + 1;

To search for a particular element in this array, use the following:

&iIndex = &ArrRunStatus.Find(&RunStatusToGet);
&RunStatusDescr = &ArrRunStatus[&iIndex][2];

The following example shows how to create a two-dimension array using CreateArrayRept and Push. In addition, it shows how to randomly assigns values to the cells in a two-dimension array.

Local array of array of string &ValueArray;
&Dim1 = 10;
&Dim2 = 5;
&ValueArray = CreateArrayRept(CreateArrayRept("", 0), 0);
For &I = 1 To &Dim1
&ValueArray.Push(CreateArrayRept("", &Dim2));
&ValueArray[1][1] = "V11";
&ValueArray[2][1] = "V21";
WinMessage("&ValueArray[1][1] = " &ValueArray[1][1] " " "&ValueArray[2][1] = " &ValueArray[2][1], 0);

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