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Integration Broker Web Service Discovery Class

Use the Web Service Discovery class to:

  • Find web services currently offered by the Integration Broker.
  • Retrieve the web services description language (WSDL) for a given web service.

The methods in this class are intended to be used in pairs. First, use one of the "Find" methods to get the list of web services, then use one of the "Get" methods to retrieve the WSDL for the given service.

The PeopleSoft Integration Broker Web Service Discovery objects are declared as type

WebServiceDiscovery. For example,

Local WebServiceDiscovery &theDiscovery;

&theDiscovery = create WebServiceDiscovery();

A Web Service Discovery object can be instantiated from PeopleCode, from a Visual Basic program, from Java, COM and C/C++. This object can be used anywhere you have PeopleCode, that is, in an application class, Application Engine PeopleCode, record field PeopleCode, and so on.

The Integration Broker Web Service Discovery class is not a built-in class, like rowset, field, record, and so on. It is an application class. Before you can use this class in your PeopleCode program, you must import it to your program.

An import statement names either all the classes in a package or one particular application class. For importing the Integration Broker Web Service Discovery class, PeopleSoft recommends that you import all the classes in the application package, although you won't be using most of the classes in these application packages.

The import statements you should use are as follows:



Integration Broker Web Service Discovery Class Constructor

import SOAPTOCI:*;



Local WebServiceDiscovery &theDiscovery;

&theDiscovery = create WebServiceDiscovery();


Integration Broker Web Service Discovery Class Methods

  • FindCIWebServices(CI_Name, Request_Node_Name, Descr)

Use the FindCIWebServices method, to get only the web services based on component interfaces available in the system Use GetCIWebServiceWSDL to get the WSDL for each web service found by this method. If you specify blank strings for all three parameters, the method tries to return all component interface based web services.

  • FindMsgWebServices(Msg_Name, Node_Name)

Use the FindMsgWebServices method, to get only the message-based web services available on the system. Use the GetMsgWebServiceWSDL method to get the WSDL for each web service returned by this method.

  • FindWebServices()

Use the FindWebServices methodto get all web services, both component interface and message. Use the method GetWSDL to get the WSDL for each web service returned by this method.

  • GetCIWebServiceWSDL(Service_Descr)

Use the GetCIWebServiceWSDL method, in conjunction with the FindCIWebServices method, to get the WSDL for a given web service.

  • GetMsgWebServiceWSDL(Service_Descr)

Use the GetMsgWebServiceWSDL method, in conjunction with the FindMsgWebServices method, to get the WSDL for a given message based web service

  • GetWSDL(Service_Descr)

Use the GetWSDL method, in conjunction with the FindWebServices method, to get the WSDL for a given web service.

1 comment:

  1. Aswin (PeopleSoft consultant)October 01, 2009

    WSDL is the future for not only for peoplesoft applications but for all the applications which serves seamless integration with the third party systems.

    i recommend you all to go through the tutorials in W3C website to learn more about wsdl,uddi,soap messaging etc, for a clear piture to grasp the whole concepts behind.
