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Friday, September 18, 2009

Mass Change and Work Flow Questions

1. What is Application Upgrade?
It is a migration of object from one database to another and updating other system components such as application software.

2. What is Mass change and explain the uses of Mass change?
Mass change is a SQL generator you can use to develop and perform custom applications. Using mass change, a developer can set up a series of INSERT, UPDATE, OR DELETE SQL statements that the end user can execute to perform business functions.
The overall structure of Mass change is similar to that of People soft Query
Except that Query retrieves data from the database while mass change actually updates the database.
The uses of Mass change are as follows.
1. It is used to perform high volume set oriented transactions.
2. Copy data from table or table
3. Archive table data (Archive means that the data does not have backup file and uses to update the values)

3. Why use Mass change and why not SQL execute to update a record, which is not attached to the panel?
The reason why Mass change is preferred over SQL exec is….
1. Two- Three Mass change program can work at a single time.
2. Data / information need not be defined in Mass change
3. Mass change can be used for file download upload.

4. What are the steps involved in Mass change?
The following are the order of steps involved in Mass change.
1. Define type
2. Assign to template
3. Operator security
4.Mass change definition

5. What is Mass change group?
Adding all Mass change into a group. (i.e., Multiple Mass change definitions can be executed simultaneously).

6. What is workflow?
To an extent all the business processes defined using the Application designer involve workflow. However we usually reserve the term to refer to processes that involve multiple users and the routing of data between the users. People soft workflow tools help you build the routings into your computer systems. You use them to tie together the individual steps so that the system can help coordinate the activities.

7. How Workflow is controlled?
It is controlled by Decision Point (it is graphically denoted by a (?)). Where user has to choose which activity is appropriate towards the next step.

8. What are the key fields used in Key list?
7 key fields used in a key list. They are as follows..
1. Busprocname- (Business Process Name)
2. Activity name
3. Event name
4. Work list name
5. Instance Id
6. Transaction Id
7. Emplid

Note: While defining the above fields in the record definition, a key has to be assigned in the record field properties.

9. What is routing in workflow?
Transfer of roles / users

10. Why workflow is used and explains the advantage of workflow in People soft application?
Workflow typically eliminates the job tasks associated with controlling paper flow, and frees people the once performed clerical functions to do more meaningful work.
• Tasks that don't require user involvement
• Tasks that involve non People soft users
• Tasks that several users work on together.

11. Define the components of workflow?
There are 3 underlying components of workflow i.e., Rules, Roles, Routing.

Rules are your company's business practices captured in software. Rules determine what activities are required to process your business data. The rules are contained in policies and procedures documents.

Roles describe how people fit into the workflow. A role is a class of users who perform the same type of work, such as clerks or managers. Your business rules typically specify what user role needs to do an activity.
Roles direct the work to types of people rather than to individuals. Identifying roes instead of individual users makes your workflow more flexible and easier to maintain. Roles remain stable even as people change jobs.

Routings connect the activities in the workflow. They are the systems means of moving information from one place to another, from one step to the next. Routings bring the flow into workflow. The network of routings creates a business process from what used to be isolated activities. Routings make it possible to deploy applications throughout the enterprise. They work through the levels and departments of an enterprise to bring together the role that are necessary to complete complex tasks.

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