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Tuesday, September 8, 2009

HRMS interview questions

HRMS Fundamentals 9.0
1. What are all the components will have data permission security control access?
• Departtments
• Employee, Contingent Worker, and POI with Jobs.
• POI without jobs.
• Recruiting Federal People with jobs.
• Template based hires.
2. What are all the organisational relationships available while hiring an employee?
• Employee
• Contingent Worker
• Person of Interest (POI)
3. List down the people part of the POI?
• COBRA Participants
• Pension Payees
• Global Payroll Payees
• Stock non-HR Person
• Stock board members
• External Instructor
• Payroll Employees
• External Trainers
4. What are all the People Tools Security?
• Permission List
• Roles
• User Profiles
5. What are all the default programs you need to run after the creating the user profile?
• Refresh Trans. SJT tables
• Refresh SJT OPR CLS
6. What are all the default Permission List used while creating the User ID?
• Navigator Homepage Permission List
• Process Profile Permission List
• Primary Permission List
7. What are all the methods for assigning Data Permission Access to Permission List?
• Tree based data permission security
• Role based data permission security
8. What are all the Access types for Department security sets?
• Departments by Tree
• Departments by non – tree
• Departments by set id
9. What are all the Access types for People with jobs security sets?
• Job department tree
• Job location
• Jon business unit
• Job Company
• Job regulatory region
• Job salary grade
• Person organisation
• Department ID – non tree
• Company – Pay group
10. What are all the Access types for People without jobs security sets?
• POI Business Unit
• POI Location
• POI Institution
• Person of Interest
11. What are all the Access types for Recruiting Job Opening security sets?
• RS Company
• RS Business Unit
• RS Department ID
• RS Location
• Recruiting Team
12. What are all the Access types for Template Based Hire security sets?
• Template ID
• Template Category
• Person Organisation
• Country
13. What is the default tree name need to give while creating the new tree?
Dept_Security followed by any name as per your requirement.
14. What would be the default effective date for creating the new tree?
1/1/1900 or 1/1/1901
15. What are all the tree manager definitions?
• Level
• Node
• Parent
• Sibiling
• Child
16. What are all the various types of SJT?
Adding People in the PeopleSoft System
17. What are all the organisational instance components?
• Add Employment Instance (Job_Data_Emp)
• Add Contingent Worker Instance (Job_Data_CWR)
• Add Person of Interest Job (Jon_Data_POI)
18. What are all the job instances used for POIs?
• COBRA qualified beneficiaries
• Stock employees not administered in Human Resources
• Global Payroll Employees
• Pension Payees
• Stock board members
19. What are all the purpose of the Job Earnings Distribution Information Page?
We can distribute the worker’s compensation on the basis of the following:
• Department
• Job Code
• Earnings Code
• Business Unit
• Shift
• Position Number
• General Ledger Pay type
20. What are all the job level defaults?
• Work
• Job Information
• Job Labor
• Payroll
• Salary Plan
• Compensation
• Employment Information
• Benefit Program Participation
• Earnings Distribution
Adding Workers Through Template-Based Hires (SmartHire)
21. What are all the main components for setting the hire template?
• Template Record/Field
• Template Section
• Template Category Table
• Template Creation
22. What are all the statuses used to define templates?
• Test (Default Value)
• Active
• Inactive
23. What are all the statuses available on the template hire status page?
• Pending Hires
• Cancelled Hires
• Processed Hires
Maintaining Person and Job Data
24. What are the methods available to update worker’s compensation packages?
• Seniority Pay increases
• Grade Advance increases
• Automated step increases
• Step increases using review bands
• Amount increases
• Percentage increases
25. What are all the components available under Setup HRMS?
• Install
• Security
• Upgrade
• Foundation Tables
• Common Definitions
• Product Related
• System Administration
26. What isEffective Date?
Information Component /Record linked to the data EFFDT. Information changes based on the EFFDT.
27. What is Effective Sequence?
Identifier to find the order of multiple transactions occurring on a same EFFDT.
28. What is the effective sequence’s default number?
29. What are all the two statuses will be available on the top of the job data?
30. What are all the different types of action/reasons available on the system?
31. What’s the difference between a position number and a job code?
Position number is the unique identification number for driven by business unit , department ,location , job code and other parameters
32. What do you mean by budget and incumbents?
34. What is the purpose of update/display mode?
To add the new information current and future as well view the current data.
35. What is the purpose of correct history mode?
To correct the past and current information based on the EFFDT.
36. What is the purpose of include history mode?
To view the past information based on the EFFDT.
37. What is difference between Person ID and Employee ID?
38. What is Employee Record Number?
Number to identify an employee’s different organizational relationships.
39. What are all the mandatory fields need to key in while add a person on the system?
1) Name
2) Organizational relationship
National ID , Address, Birthdate gives us warning message.
40. What is employment instance?
Employee relationship with organization. Where employee can have multiple relationship (instances) with the organization.
41. What is the difference between Set Id and a Business Unit?
Where a Business Unit organizes your company or your organization, SetIDs help you organize your data within the system. The HRMS system uses tables (Control Tables or Prompt Tables) that use a high-level key that enables you to identify and retrieve data from the system. A secondary high-level key, referred to as a SetID, has also been added on various tables. SetIDs are simply the labels used to identify a TableSet. Business Unit and SetID functionality in PeopleSoft also provides you with a higher business level for reporting purposes and other business data roll-up.
42. What is HCCPALL?
Delivered primary permission list with access to all the components and pages
43. What is HCDPALL?
Delivered row level security permission list with full access.


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