Campus Community
PS_PERSON | Core person data including birth and death information |
PS_PERS_DATA_EFFDT | Core person data history includes martial status and gender |
PS_PERSONAL_DATA | Snapshot bio/demo data |
PS_PER_POI_TYPE | Person of Interest (POI) Type |
PS_PER_POI_TRANS | Person of Interest (POI) History |
PS_CITIZENSHIP | Citizenship data |
PS_SCC_CITIZ_HIST | Citizenship history |
PS_CITIZEN_PSSPRT | Citizenship passport data |
PS_DIVERS_ETHNICITY | Ethnicity data |
PS_DIVERSITY | Ethnicity diversity data |
PS_PERS_NID | National ID data |
PS_EXTERNAL_SYSKEY | External system data (key) |
PS_EXTERNAL_SYSTEM | External system data |
PS_PER_ORG_ASGN | Organisational relationships |
PS_ADDRESSES | Address history |
PS_EMAIL_ADDRESSES | Email addresses |
PS_NAMES | Names history |
PS_PERSONAL_PHONE | Phone & Fax data |
3Cs (Communications, Checklists and Comments)
PS_COMMUNICATION | Communication data |
PS_PERSON_CHECKLST | Checklist data |
PS_PERSON_COMMENT | Comment data |
PS_VAR_DATA_[AF] | Variable data. Replace [AF] with administrative function e.g. SPRG |
PS_LAST_3CS_TBL | Tracks the last SEQ_3C value for a student |
Campus Event Planning (and Meetings)
PS_CAMPUS_EVENT | Campus Event |
PS_EVENT_MTG | Campus Event Meeting |
Service Indicators
PS_SRVC_IND_DATA | Service indicator data |
PS_SRVC_IN_RSN_TBL | Service indicator reason |
PS_AUDIT_SRVC_IND | Service indicator audit |
Curriculum Management
Course data
PS_CRSE_CATALOG | Course catalog |
PS_CRSE_COMPONENT | Course components |
PS_CRSE_OFFER | Course offerings |
PS_CRSE_EQUIV_TBL | Course equivalencies |
PS_CRSE_LST_HDR_SF | Course list header |
PS_CRSE_LST_DTL_SF | Course list details |
PS_CRSE_TOPICS | Course topics |
Class data
PS_CLASS_TBL | Class data |
PS_CLASS_ASSOC | Class associations |
PS_CLASS_ATTENDNCE | Class attendance |
PS_CLASS_COMPONENT | Class components |
PS_CLASS_INSTR | Class instructors |
PS_CLASS_MTG_PAT | Class meeting patterns |
PS_CLASS_NOTES | Class notes |
Records and Enrolment
Term Activation and History
PS_STDNT_CAREER | Student career |
PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM | Student career term activation |
PS_SSR_HECS_ELEC | Australian-specific HECS Loan Election |
PS_STDNT_SESSION | Student session |
PS_TRNS_CRSE_SCH | Transfer credit school |
PS_TRNS_CRSE_TERM | Transfer credit course term |
PS_TRNS_OTHR_MODEL | Other transfer credits model |
PS_TRNS_OTHR_TERM | Other transfer credits term |
PS_TRNS_TEST_MODEL | Test transfer credits model |
PS_TRNS_TEST_TERM | Test transfer credits term |
PS_ACAD_PROG | Student program data |
PS_ACAD_PLAN | Student plan data |
PS_SSR_ACADPRG_AUS | Australian-specific student program data |
PS_STDNT_ENRL | Student enrolments |
PS_CLASS_TBL_SE_VW | View that combines student enrolment & class setup data |
PS_SSR_STDENRL_AUS | Australian-specific student enrolment data |
PS_ENRL_REQ_HEADER | Enrolment request header |
PS_ENRL_REQ_DETAI | Enrolment request detail |
PS_ACAD_DEGR | Student degree data |
PS_ACAD_DEGR_PLAN | Student degree plan data |
PS_ACAD_DEGR_HONS | Student degree honours data |
Student Groups
PS_STDNT_GRPS | Student group data |
PS_STDNT_GRPS_HIST | Student group history |
Institution structure
PS_INSTITUTION_TBL | Institution setup |
PS_CAMPUS_TBL | Campus setup |
PS_CAMPUS_LOC_TBL | Campus location setup |
PS_HOME_CAMPUS_TBL | Home campus setup |
PS_ACAD_GROUP_TBL | Academic group setup |
PS_ACAD_ORG_TBL | Academic organisation setup |
PS_SSR_ACD_ORG_AUS | Australian-specific Academic organisation setup |
Academic career
PS_ACAD_CAR_TBL | Academic career setup |
PS_ACAD_CAR_PTRS | Academic career pointers setup |
PS_CATLG_CAR_TBL | Academic career level setup |
PS_ACAD_CAL_TABLE | Academic career calendar setup |
PS_HOLIDAY_TBL | Holiday setup |
Programs, Plans and Degrees
PS_ACAD_PROG_TBL | Academic program setup |
PS_ACAD_PROG_OWNER | Academic program owner setup |
PS_SSR_ACD_PRG_AUS | Australian-specific academic program setup |
PS_SSR_PRG_CD_TBL | Academic program code setup |
PS_ACAD_PLAN_TBL | Academic plan setup |
PS_DEGREE_TBL | Degree setup |
Term and Session
PS_TERM_TBL | Term setup |
PS_TERM_VAL_TBL | Term Values |
PS_SESSION_TBL | Term session setup |
PS_SESS_TIME_PEROD | Session time periods |
Load/Level Rules
PS_LVL_LD_RULE_TBL | Academic level/load rules setup |
PS_ACAD_LEVEL_TBL | Academic level setup |
PS_ACAD_LOAD_TBL | Academic load setup |
PS_ACAD_LOAD2_TBL | Academic load for statistics setup |
PS_SSR_LVLLOAD_AUS | Australian specific load/level rules setup |
PS_GRADE_TBL | Grade setup |
PS_GRADE_BASIS_TBL | Grading basis setup |
PS_GRD_BASE_CHOICE | Grading basis choice setup |
PS_GRADESCHEME_TBL | Grading scheme setup |
PS_SSR_GRADE_FLAG | Grading flag setup |
Student Records Security
PS_SCRTY_TBL_INST | Institution security |
PS_SCRTY_TBL_ACAD | Academic organisation security |
PS_SCRTY_TBL_CAR | Academic career security |
PS_SCRTY_TBL_PLAN | Academic plan security |
PS_SCRTY_TBL_PROG | Academic program security |
PS_SCRTY_ADM_ACTN | Admissions action security |
PS_SCRTY_PROG_ACTN | Program action security |
PS_SCRTY_APPL_CTR | Application centre security |
PS_SCRTY_RECR_CTR | Recruiting centre security |
PS_OPR_GRP_3C_TBL | 3Cs operator group security |
PS_ENRL_ACCESS_GRP | Enrolment access group security |
PS_ENRMT_OVRD_TBL | Enrolment override security by enrolment access ID |
PS_SCRTY_TBL_SRVC | Service indicator security |
PS_SCRTY_TSCRPT | Transcript type security |
PS_SAD_TEST_SCTY | Test ID security |
Student Financials Security
PS_SEC_ISET_OPR | Operator Institution set security |
PS_SEC_UNITSF_OPR | Operator Business unit security |
PS_SEC_SETID_OPR | Operator SetID security |
Student Admissions/Recruiting
PS_ADM_APP_CAR_SEQ | Application career sequence (stores next available career nbr) |
PS_ADM_APPL_DATA | Application data |
PS_ADM_APPL_PLAN | Application plan |
PS_ADM_APPL_PROG | Application program |
PS_SAD_APL_PRG_AUS | Australian-specific application program data |
PS_ADM_APPL_RCR_CA | Recruiting category |
PS_ADM_PRSPCT_CAR | Prospect career |
PS_ADM_PRSPCT_PLAN | Prospect plan |
PS_ADM_PRSPCT_PROG | Prospect program |
Student Financials
Student Accounts
PS_ACCOUNT_SF | Student account |
PS_ITEM_SF | Student account items |
PS_ITEM_LINE_SF | Student account item lines |
PS_ITEM_XREF | Student item cross reference |
PS_PAYMENT_TBL | Student payments |
PS_QUICK_POST_TBL | Quick post setup |
PS_QUICK_POST_ERR | Quick post errors |
Credit History and Collections
PS_CREDIT_HISTORY | Student Credit history |
PS_COLLECTION_SF | Student collections |
PS_COLL_LTR_ITEM | Dunning/collection letters |
PS_COLLECT_EFFORT | Student collections recovery effort data |
Australian Tables
Campus Community
PS_SCC_PERSON_AUS | Tax File Number Data |
Records and Enrolments
PS_SSR_ACADPRG_AUS | Australian Student Program data |
PS_SSR_STDENRL_AUS | Australian Student Enrolment data |
PS_SSR_LVLLOAD_AUS | Australian Academic Load/Level Rules setup |
PS_SSR_ACADLOD_AUS | Australian Academic Load setup |
PS_SSR_ACDPRGT_AUS | Australian Academic Program TAC setup |
PS_SSR_ACD_PLN_AUS | Australian Academic Plan setup |
PS_SSR_ACD_ORG_AUS | Australian Academic Organisation setup |
Student Admissions and Recruiting
PS_SAD_APL_PRG_AUS | Australian Application Program data |
PeopleSoft Wikidot |
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