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New People Tools Feature - PeopleSoft Test framework in People Tools - 8.51

People Tools 8.51 has new interesting feature – Test framework as part of people tools objects.

It will be an interesting feature for Testing/Functional and Development teams.

Find out how it works - demo videos.

Visual page compare and merge feature in Application Designer.

Visual way of comparing pages between source and target instances.

Visual Page compare and merge feature in Application Designer. – One of not more widely known feature in Application designer. It is available since People Tools - 8.46.

1) Easier/Visual way to find the differences between the pages in different instance.

2) Compare page without need to include them in any project.

3) Move or Merge the changes in the pages easily.

4) Easy to find the field properties differences.

In Application Designer select Tools -> Diff/Merge Page. This menu item only appears when you have a page definition open (which is probably part of the reason that this feature is not more widely known). You'd then select your target; either another database or an Application Designer project export file.

Pages from both the source and target instance is shown side-by-side and differences are marked in red. Very easily to analyze.

The PeopleSoft Application Designer displays a Property Value panel to show details about every difference or each changed page control. To the right, each page is displayed side-by-side enabling the visual comparison.

Ganesh Muralidhar

Pace-soft - Peoplesoft Trace file analyzer

PeopleSoft SQL Trace file analyzer. New version of Pace-soft trace both *.trc files and *.AET files.

Easily filter the SQL statements in the trace file.

Extracting the useful information from this file can be a significant hurdle. Loading the file in Pace-Trace, this information is made available to you in a clear format. Dramatically speeds the process toward your eventual solution.