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Peoplesoft Branding : Changing the Login Page

The PeopleSoft branding mainly deals with the look and feel of your PeopleSoft system. Oracle delivers the PeopleSoft with the original Oracle Logo and a standard look. The system gives the maintenance team the flexibility to customize the system’s overall look.

Branding of Login Page and WebServer pages


The FileServer psftdocs consist of various .html files which are used by webserver to host various pages of PeopleSoft on web. The details of the files are as follows :

1. signin.html

Purpose : Front Page used as Login Page for Peoplesoft

Path : $PS_HOME/webserv//applications/peoplesoft/PORTAL/WEB-INF/psftdocs// signin.html

(In my case : :/apps/crminstall/crm88/webserv/DEVPORT_DEVPORT_dcrmapp2PIAServer:


Purpose : Html code for the page that appears when the session expires
Path :$PS_HOME/webserv//applications/peoplesoft/PORTAL/WEB-INF/psftdocs// expire.html

(In my case : :/apps/crminstall/crm88/webserv/DEVPORT_DEVPORT_dcrmapp2PIAServer:
/dcrmapp.ear/PORTAL/WEB-INF/psftdocs/ps/ expire.html)


Purpose : Front Page with the check boxes for trace options.
Path :$PS_HOME/webserv//applications/peoplesoft/PORTAL/WEB-INF/psftdocs// signintrace.html

(In my case : :/apps/crminstall/crm88/webserv/DEVPORT_DEVPORT_dcrmapp2PIAServer:
/dcrmapp.ear/PORTAL/WEB-INF/psftdocs/ps/ signintrace.html)
The appropriate changes can be done to above files to achieve the required look for the changes.

The images related to these pages are present in the webserver in images folder.
The path for images folder is as under :
$PS_HOME/webserv//applications/peoplesoft/PORTAL //images

The Oracle Delivers its logo that appears on the front page of Peoplesoft Application by the name :

This logo is referred in signin.html and expire.html.

Thus the login page (.html) file can be scripted and placed in place of signin.html (with same name).

Also if you are referring any other images in your html file, all the refeered imges must be placed in images folder reffered above.
PSHOME/webserv/DOMAIN/bin/ (

Tino Simon

1 comment:

  1. Wow this is a great resource.. I’m enjoying it.. good article
