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PeopleCode Built-in Functions

ActiveRowCount returns the number of active (non-deleted) rows for a specified scroll area in the active page

FetchValue returns the value of a buffer field in a specific row of a scroll level.

FieldChanged returns True if the referenced buffer field has been modified since being retrieved from the database either by a user or by a PeopleCode program. This is useful during SavePreChange or SavePostChange processing for checking whether to make related updates based on a change to a field.

PriorValue is used in FieldEdit and FieldChange PeopleCode to obtain the prior value of a buffer field that the user just changed. It returns the value that was in the buffer field before the user changed it, not the value of the field the last time the component was saved.

SetDefault sets a field to a null value, so that the next time default processing occurs, it is set to its default value: either a default specified in its record field definition or one set programmatically by PeopleCode located in a FieldDefault event. If neither of these defaults exist, the Component Processor leaves the field blank.

SetDefaultAll sets all occurrences of the specified recordname.fieldname within a scroll to a blank value, so that the next time default processing is run these fields will be set to their default value, as specified by the record definition, or one set programmatically by PeopleCode located in a FieldDefault event. If neither of these defaults exist, the Component Processor leaves the field blank

UpdateValue updates the value of a specified field with the value provided. The value must be of a data type compatible with the field.

DiscardRow prevents a row from being added to a page scroll during Row Select processing. This function is valid only in RowSelect PeopleCode. When DiscardRow is called during RowSelect processing, the current row is skipped (not added to the scroll). Processing then continues on the next row, unless StopFetching has also been called, in which case no more rows are added to the page

ScrollSelect, like the related ScrollSelect functions (ScrollSelectNew, RowScrollSelect, and RowScrollSelectNew) reads data from database tables or views into a scroll area on the active page.

ScrollSelect automatically places child rows in the target scroll area under the correct parent row in the next highest scroll area. If it cannot match a child row to a parent row an error will occur.

SortScroll programmatically sorts the rows in a scroll area on the active page. The rows can be sorted on one or more fields.

ScrollFlush removes all rows inside the target scroll area and frees its associated buffer. Rows that are flushed are not deleted from the database. This function is often used to clear a work scroll before a call to ScrollSelect.

The MsgGet function retrieves a message from the PeopleCode Message Catalog and substitutes in the values of the parameters into the text message.

The MsgGetText function retrieves a message from the PeopleCode Message Catalog and substitutes the values of the parameters in paramlist into the text message. It returns the resulting message text as a String data type.

The MsgGetExplainText function retrieves the explain text of a message from the PeopleCode Message Catalog and substitutes the values of the parameters in paramlist into the explain text. It returns the resulting message explain text as a String data type.

Prompt displays a page prompting the user to insert values into one or more text boxes. If the user cancels the page, any entered values are discarded and the function returns False. When the prompt page is displayed, the text boxes are initially filled with default values from the fields in fieldlist.

WinExec executes a Windows executable file .(COM, .EXE, .BAT, or .PIF) specified in the command_line string. It is suitable for executing short batch-processing jobs that will complete execution and terminate, returning control to PeopleTools.

ScheduleProcess schedules a process or job, writing a row of data to the Process Request table (PSPRCSRQST).

RemoteCall is a PeopleCode API function that provides a means of calling a Tuxedo service from a PeopleSoft application.

To call a particular Application Engine program synchronously from a page using PeopleCode, you need to use the CallAppEngine() function in your SavePreChange or SavePostChange PeopleCode.

ChDir, like the DOS ChDir command, changes the current directory on a drive. The drive and the directory are both specified in a path string.

GetCwd is used to determine the current working directory on the client.

OnlyOne checks a list of fields and returns True if one and only one of the fields has a value. If all of the fields are empty, or if more than one of the fields has a value, OnlyOne returns False.

1 comment:

  1. pls tel me the proceduur how to undestand the events and function and where we can write people code(page(or)record(or)component).send me if any material easy to understand.
    pls help
