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GenerateComponentPortalURL peoplecode

I am using the GenerateComponentPortalURL peoplecode to send a link in a workflow email. The link appears and takes the user to the right page but my keylist parameters are not populating the search page. I thought that should happen. My keys all match and are on level 0. Am I missing something?


  1. navin sahayOctober 01, 2009


    I think you should use,

    GenerateWorklistPortalURL(PORTAL.portalname, NODE.nodename, BusProc, Activity, Event, Worklist, Instance)

    to populate proper search list because 'GenerateComponentPortalURL' will only generate the component URL but it will not take all the validation which you have applied for your workflow approval. Why, because this peoplecode is nowhere related with your business process n activity. Henece, this will not generate the component URL with the proper search list as per your workflow.

    However, as you see above GenerateWorklistPortalURL(), which is taking all the required inputs to generate the component URL with proper search list. So, I will recommend you to use GenerateWorklistPortalURL() once to resolve the issue.

  2. Good Catch navin.i too faced similar issue

  3. Hi,

    i am using GenerateWorklistPortalURL() function.

    when user clicks on link its showing "you are not authorized page"

    Thanks in advance.

  4. Hi,
    i am using GenerateWorklistPortalURL().

    once i login i am getting an error message saying "you are authorized to this page",but i am able to view the page if i go by normal navigation.

  5. Hi,

    I am using GenerateWorklistPortalURL().

    once i login error message is displayed "you are not authorized to this page"

    any inputs on this

    thanks in advance

  6. Hi,

    I am using GenerateWorklistPortalURL().

    once i login error message is displayed "you are not authorized to this page"

    any inputs on this

    thanks in advance
