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Working with Pagelet Wizard

Pagelet Wizard pagelets are small pages that provide display-only snapshots of applicable content. Pagelet Wizard provides a user-friendly, browser-based graphical user interface (GUI) that leads you through the series of steps involved in creating and publishing a pagelet.
Portal administrators and nontechnical users can use Pagelet Wizard to integrate and transform data from a variety of data sources
Get more details about the same from the two peoplebooks given below:

o Enterprise PeopleTools 8.49 PeopleBook: Internet Technology
o Enterprise PeopleTools 8.49 PeopleBook: Using PeopleSoft Applications

Take note of the points below while you work with pagelets.

1.If you cannot find the 6th tab in the pagelet wizard during the development or Homepage Pagelet Check Box not in the 6th step of Pagelet wizard then
Run the PTPP_PORTAL_PACK.DMS script. The home pagelet publishing option will appear

2.The below tips will help you to create a permission list and role for viewing the pagelet for a user

This is used to give access to all the persons having the any Role to see the data and Pagelet in their Homepage. It can be cloned from PTPT1000 and we can remove all the unwanted fields.

I. In the page "Page" we have to add
   b. PTPPB_PAGELET_WIZARD --> PTPPB_ADMIN_PREF --> Administer Personalize
   c. PTPPB_PAGELET_WIZARD --> PTPPB_USER_PREF ----> to access query
II. In page "Web Libraries --> WEBLIB_PTPPB --> IScript_PageletBuilder

3.For managing the alignment or the appearance of the pagelet in the homepage after publishing it, go to
Peopletools-->Portal-->Structure and Content -->Portal Objects -->Homepage -->Tabs-->Edit--> Tab Content
Check the control box and select some options from the drop down and save

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