Visual tools like charts are great for your busy team members/managers to get a status of the current situation and trends. Our study have concluded that having a placing graph on an approval page is much more effective in cost awareness and control than having a separate report. Managers are too busy managing day to day activities to “seek” out information, better to have a one stop concept.
Following section describes how you can leverage the chart object provided in
PeopleSoft to enhance your dull web pages with charts.
1. Create Work Record
Create a work record and add a chart field
2. Page – Chart object
Create a page and insert the chart object
Insertà Chart (Q)
3. Provide Component – Menu – Portal – Security
4. Add Chart PeopleCode under rowinit peoplecode
/* Purpose: Sample Code to create a basic chart on PeopleSoft web page. Chart will be a basic bar chart which highlights Actual Data and an overlay line for budget Developer: Steve Chun*/
/* declare chart object */
Local Chart &oChart;
/* create chart object */
/* pass any variable, this assumes that you have a custom view
IC_ACTUALS with fields: deptid, fiscal_year, amount_total & ic_month*/
/* create stand alone rowset and populate */
&oRowset = CreateRowset(Record.IC_ACTUALS);
&oRowset.Fill(“where deptid = :1 and fiscal_year = :2”,&deptid, &year);
/* populate chart object with data and set X and Y axis */
/* Chart properties */
&oChart.Type = %ChartType_2DStackedBar;
&oChart.HasLegend = True;
&oChart.LegendPosition = %ChartLegend_Right;
&oChart.XAxisLabelOrient = %ChartText_Vertical;
/* X & Y labels */
&oChart.XAxisTitle = "Monthly Budget vs Commitment";
&oChart.YAxisTitle = "Pre-Encum";
/*Overlay chart data type*/
&oChart.OLType = %ChartType_2DLine;
&oChart.OLLineType = %ChartLine_Dash;
/*Overlay rowset this assumes that you have a custom view
IC_BUDGETS with fields: deptid, fiscal_year, amount_total & ic_month */
&oRowset1 = CreateRowset(Record.IC_BUDGETS);
&oRowset1.Fill(“where deptid = :1 and fiscal_year = :2”,&deptid, &year);
/*Overlay Data set */
CTY: Integration Consulting, Inc. |
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