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Downloading Attachments With A Click

Add/View/Delete attachment functionalities are commonly used in managing the files in PeopleSoft. A new feature DetachAttachment helps the user to download the file with one click on to the local machine. The file is sent to the browser with appropriate HTTP headers to cause the browser to display a save as dialog box to the user in IE and directly starts the download in Chrome. And that itself is the primary difference between the View and Detach attachment functionality.

DetachAttachment(URLSource, DirAndSysFileName, UserFileName [,PreserveCase])

Dynamic Branding

The requirement was to brand the public facing custom login component with the institution logo. There are 12 institutions and one login page to serve all the institutions. 

The way was to characterize the URL with the institution identifier towards the end of it. 
Means: The institution 1 one will have the URL like

For institution 2 and so on...

Once the page is triggered, the code will look for the INST parameter using 
%Request.GetParameter("INST") which will return the institution code. Based on this, we can select the branding logo to display on the custom page.

You can add any number of parameters to the URL. And rest depends on your dynamic configuration.