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How To Diagnose IE Browser Compatibility Issues

There will arise situations where you will face issues with custom PeopleSoft pages showing up some weird faces in the lower versions of IE. And being on the higher versions of IE, you might reply like, "Nope, not able to replicate the issue. Closing the ticket". 

However, as client can use the lower versions of IE browsers, still certified by PeopleSoft, you cannot just close the ticket with the above resolution.

I have seen couple of people, downgraded their IE versions just to fix the issue, which we don't have to do, with IE 11 Compatibility view feature.

With this, you can replicate the lower versions rendering on IE 11. And it is quite handy. 

Below is how to do it.

You can launch it from the menu > F12 Developer Tools or simple press F12. It opens a lower content area in IE 11

Document mode has the options for accessing lower versions of IE

Select the IE Version to replicate the issue and render to diagnose.

And there are features which will help those who handle the UI part of PeopleSoft. Orientation, User Agent String and Mobile UI views.

A great tool for developers.