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Archiving IB messages and SO's

A beginner who just started working with the Integration Broker will be deleting the errored message one by one selecting the checkbox next to it.

Is there an easy way to do this operation with the delivered feature? Yes there is!

The PeopleSoft system provides a collection of Data Mover scripts that you can run to purge the runtime Service Operations Monitor tables within a database. These scripts reside in the PS_HOME\scripts directory on your file server.

Deletes queue data from every archive or live runtime Service Operations Monitor table in the database, regardless of status. Typically, you run this script after an upgrade or while switching from a demonstration to a production environment.

Deletes queue data from every archive runtime Service Operations Monitor table in the database.

Deletes queue data from every live runtime Service Operations Monitor table in the database.

Apart from this we have APPMSGARCH to archive service operation data is the batch approach. You can also archive individual service operations online using the Archive option on the Asynchronous Services-Monitor Overview page and the Synchronous Services page.

Navigation: PeopleTools > Integration Broker > Service Operation Monitor > Monitoring > Archive Monitor Data

Below are the list of tables that are affected by APPMSGARCH process. I got this information from Oracle Support, so much time can be saved from turning on a trace.

Administer PS Query

That was one of the requirements from the client, to monitor the frequent query usage by the faculty and the students to improve the query to provide better results. I was reminded about the Google Analytics strategy when I heard this requirement.

PeopleSoft provided this flexibility which aids the System administrators to:

Monitor query performance
Monitor query Usage
Monitor average runtime, number of times run, and the dates last run
Cancel queries that are currently running in Query Manager
Enable and disable queries and logging.


PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > Query Administration
PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > Query Administration > Executing
PeopleTools > Utilities > Administration > Query Administration > Settings

Cool feature

Quick look

One of my colleague was asking about Patched and Bundles yesterday. The below details gave him an understanding of those features. This will be helpful If you havn't come across any patching or bundle upgrade yet.

PeopleSoft Application and PeopleTools maintenance releases are intended to address defects,
performance enhancements, regulatory changes (such as tax updates), or security issues. In general, feature enhancements are part of new releases which require a product upgrade.

Application fixes and changes are delivered in a variety of means; these include individual postings (Patches), Bundles, Maintenance Packs and Service Packs.


Fixes for specific issues with an application may be posted as a standalone fix intended to address that specific issue; these are generally referred to as Patches.


Patches almost always have pre-requisites that are included in the documentation for that Patch. Patches are created by development using the most recently released bundle, this means they may list that bundle as a prerequisite. There may be other pre-requisites that are also required, all pre-requisites are clearly documented in the notes for the Patch.


Bundles are periodic accumulations of fixes resolved in that time period and applied to the application as a group. For most applications, the interval has been about every 6 weeks or 12 weeks for posting these Bundles. When Bundles are applied using Change Assistant, information about the Bundle is recorded in the Maintenance Log table for future reference. Bundles will typically require pre-requisites and occassionally post-requisites. These are documented in the notes for the Bundle. Information about the individual Report ID s associated with a Bundle is available in the supplemental information posted on Customer Connection related to that Bundle.

Maintenance Packs

Maintenance packs are less frequent updates that aggregate Bundles to minimize the number of Bundles that need to be applied. For most applications, maintenance packs are delivered once a quarter for the two most current releases.

Service Packs

Service Packs serve as a vehicle for an even larger aggregation of fixes than Maintenance Packs.
In all cases, the PeopleSoft tool Change Assistant is a valuable tool in identifying dependencies of Patches, Bundles, and Maintenance Packs.

Source: Oracle Support

How to print bar codes and micr fonts using XML Publisher

For those friends who havnt done the font setup for XML Publisher. I stumbled on this article while browsing through Oracle Support Site.You need to have an Oracle Support login to view the article.

Click this link to view

Function, Method & Property

It was for one interview last week, I asked the prospect a very simple question. How to identify a function, a method and a property.

The answer I expected was very simple one which a newcomer should be able to get the trick. He started narrating a long story and finally connected all the above three someway.

But there is a simple way to explain the same.

A function has parentheses after its name and does not have a dot on the left side.

A method has parentheses after its name and has a dot on the left side.

A property has a dot on its left and no parentheses on the right.

Pretty simple and easy to understand right :)