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Planning for Your Campus Solutions & HCM Instance Separation

March 18th, 2011- 1pm Eastern

Is your institution prepared for the Campus Solutions & HCM Instance Separation (the “Split”)? Join Mike Kennedy of CedarCrestone as he walks through the business and technical considerations of this critical upgrade.

This webinar will answer the following questions:

What are the available options for separation?
What are the risks of each?
What are the opportunities?
What are the costs – immediate and long term?
How will my business process be affected?
What is right for my institution?
How do I plan for the split?

About the presenter: Mike Kennedy is the former Oracle Director of Product Architecture and veteran software architect with more than 13 years of experience. Mr. Kennedy led technical strategy, design, and development for a number of Oracle’s recent web-based, object, and service-oriented offerings including: HCM Campus Solutions Instance Separation (the HCM/CS database “split”), the Higher Education Constituent Hub, and the Web Services development framework

Mike Kennedy and Liz Dietz of CedarCrestone Inc.

Registration for this event is free. Please click the link below to get registered for this event:

PeopleSoft Events docs

One of my colleagues asked me for PeopleSoft events related documents for him to prepare for an interview. I had two good docs with me which explains the same. Hope this will be helpful for more.

Some IB tables

This is the list send by one of my friends. You can add table which are missing in the list below.

-- Service
PSOPERATION; --all services
PSOPERATIONLANG; -- language specific descriptions

-- Service Operation Versions
PSOPRVERDFN; -- all the service operations
PSOPRVERDFNLANG; -- language specific descriptions
PSOPRVERDFNPARM; -- holds request / response message information , queue

-- Service Operation Handlers
PSOPRHDLR; -- all the handlers
PSOPRHDLRLANG; -- language specific descriptions
PSOPERATIONAC; -- handler details referring to DMS application class
PSOPERATIONDMS; -- handler details referring to DMS script
PSOPERATIONCI; -- handler details referring to CI's

-- Service Operation Routings
PSIBRTNGDEFN; -- all routings
PSRTNGDFNLANG; -- language specific descriptions
PSIBRTNGSUBDEFN; -- routing alias information
PSRTNGDFNPARM; -- routing transformation information
PSRTNGDFNCONPRP; -- routings specific connector override information
PSOPRGENRTGPARM; -- holds list of auto generated routings

PeopleSoft Information Development Doc

Thanks a lot to Greg Parikh, Senior Director - Oracle PeopleSoft Enterprise Information Development, for sharing the document.

Live Webcast: Oracle PeopleSoft HCM

A recent Deloitte survey found that 85% of leaders believe people are vital to all parts of the organization, but only 23% believe that HR plays a crucial role in the organization.

Are you taking full advantage of PeopleSoft HCM 9.1 to provide value back to your people and your organization?

PeopleSoft HCM 9.1 was engineered based on extensive customer feedback, industry leading practices, and Oracle’s ongoing commitment to continuous innovation.

Join this complimentary live webcast to understand the benefits you can realize through an upgrade to or implementation of PeopleSoft HCM 9.1.

> Delve into the latest key capabilities in PeopleSoft 9.1 and future product roadmaps
> Understand how Fusion will co-exist with your current application investments
> Hear first-hand from a customer about the concrete benefits they have realized with PeopleSoft HCM
> Get all your questions answered during an interactive Q&A session with Oracle HCM product strategy

Date & Time: 17th Feb 2011, 9AM PST

Things to remember about Domodal

A small point about DoModal fucntion and Secondary page. You might be knowing this already, but, Just in case...

You know that Secondary page can be called from a hyperlink/Push Button either by 'PeopleCode Command' or by 'Secondary page directly'

1. When we use Secondary page option in hyperlink, it suppreses the FieldChange/FieldEdit events and if we need to do any changes we cannot do. When we are using the Secondary page option, we dont need to insert the secondary page on the main page at the corresponding level it called from. As the Modal page knows where it has to comeback, we dont need to specify it.

2. When we use PeopleCode Command option in hyperlink, as we will be using DoModal PeopleCode and assume that the secondary page is not inserted on the page, the modal page doesnt know where to return its results. So, its mandatory that we need to include the secondary page on the main page where we have this hyperlink (on which the PeopleCode is written). Since, its based on PeopleCode, we can make use of FieldChange and FieldEdits of the hyperlink.

Manivannan Ramar

Writing If statement in XML Publisher: An example

Consider there is a field which will display negative and positive amount while the XML report is rendered. Now we have to insert a condition to make it to display Zero, when the amount is a negative value.

Before inserting the If condition to cater the above requirement:

After inserting the If condition:

Try to avoid spaces while writing the code. Main concepts to understand here is the Get_Variable and Set_Variable.